BuildIndex.bat Fail

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BuildIndex.bat Fail

Ian Kelly
I have carried out a clean install as per instruction for the latest version of NGL
Everything goes according to plan up until having to use the BuildIndex batch file, double clicking on this shows a briefly opening command prompt. Running this from cmd prompt gives:
   [java] Error in Indexing !!!!!!!!!!
Build Successful
Total Time: 1 second

I am unable to search from the Open Catalog, and can only assume that this would be the reason?

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Re: BuildIndex.bat Fail

Verus Solutions Support
Respected Patron,
Greetings from NGL Open Source

1. Your Apache Tomcat must be running while you run the Indexer
2. OpenCatalog is in way related to indexing. Hence you may ignore this issue

Looking forward to serve you.

NGL Open Source Support Team,
(Service Before Self)
Verus Solutions, India.
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On Tuesday 12 August 2014 06:57 PM, Ian Kelly [via NGL] wrote:
I have carried out a clean install as per instruction for the latest version of NGL
Everything goes according to plan up until having to use the BuildIndex batch file, double clicking on this shows a briefly opening command prompt. Running this from cmd prompt gives:
   [java] Error in Indexing !!!!!!!!!!
Build Successful
Total Time: 1 second

I am unable to search from the Open Catalog, and can only assume that this would be the reason?


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Re: BuildIndex.bat Fail

Ian Kelly
Thank you for the reply.
The Apache Tomcat is running, but the same error occurs.
If I am to ignore this issue, then what else can I check to solve the issue with my inability to search the Open Catalog?
I have verified that the ISBN exists and is found via:
 Please advise.
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Re: BuildIndex.bat Fail

Verus Open Source Support
Respected Patron,
Greetings from NGL Open Source

We are sorry for the delayed reply. We were closed for a very long weekend on the occasion of Independence day.

The OpenCatalog is still in building stage and hence is not accessible. We regret for inconvenience caused

Looking forward to serve you.

NGL Open Source Support Team,
(Service Before Self)
Verus Solutions, India.
Telephone: +91 741 678 3719,+91 741 678 2119, +91 402 771 9161,+91 402 771 9162
Yahoo Messenger: [hidden email]
Google Talk: [hidden email]
Skype Id for voice chat: newgenlib.oss
On Wednesday 13 August 2014 03:19 PM, Ian Kelly [via NGL] wrote:
Thank you for the reply.
The Apache Tomcat is running, but the same error occurs.
If I am to ignore this issue, then what else can I check to solve the issue with my inability to search the Open Catalog?
I have verified that the ISBN exists and is found via:
 Please advise.

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NewGenLib Open Source Support
Verus Solutions Private Limited
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Re: BuildIndex.bat Fail

Ian Kelly
Disappointing. When should we expect this to be accessible?
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Re: BuildIndex.bat Fail

Verus Open Source Support
Respected Patron,
Greetings from NGL Open Source

We are still in the process of collecting the catalogues. We will update you on the progress. We regret for inconvenience caused.

Looking forward to serve you.

NGL Open Source Support Team,
(Service Before Self)
Verus Solutions, India.
Telephone: +91 741 678 3719,+91 741 678 2119, +91 402 771 9161,+91 402 771 9162
Yahoo Messenger: [hidden email]
Google Talk: [hidden email]
Skype Id for voice chat: newgenlib.oss
On Monday 18 August 2014 03:56 PM, Ian Kelly [via NGL] wrote:
Disappointing. When should we expect this to be accessible?

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NewGenLib Open Source Support
Verus Solutions Private Limited