Respected Patron,
Greetings from NGL Open Source
Here is a sample template for CD. Place the attached file in
C:/NewGenLibFiles/MarcDictionary directory
Looking forward to serve you.
NGL Open Source Support Team,
(Service Before Self)
Verus Solutions, India.
Telephone: +91 741 678 3719,+91 741 678 2119, +91 402 771 9161,+91
402 771 9162
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Skype Id for voice chat: newgenlib.oss
On 12/21/2013 04:02 PM, hemant [via NewGenLib] wrote:
Dear Team,
which template can i use for CDs ?
1 Book
2 Book Chapter
3 Conference Publication
4 General Template
5 Journal article
6 Multi- Volume book
7 Patents
8 Serials
9 Technical Reports
10 Theses
NewGenLib Open Source Support
Verus Solutions Private Limited