Can not delete an accession no.

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Can not delete an accession no.

Dr Pawan Agrawal
Hi all,

I have mistakenly assigned an accession no. to a serial issue. this accession no is actually of a book. I notices it recently when the same book asked by to user.

I tried all options to delete the accession no., i.e. from the catalog record, from NGL Desktop etc. However, it is not getting deleted. when I used force delete accession no. it said "database exception raised" and failed to delete.

I appreciate if anyone have any idea, how can i remove this accession no from the database.

Thanking you.
Dr. Pawan R. Agrawal
Assistant Librarian
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Government College
Govt. Arts, Commerce and Science College
Dokmardi- Silvassa
UT of Dadra and Nagar Haveli
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Re: Can not delete an accession no.

Better to re-associate the accession number to valid title with the help of NGLDesktop application
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Re: Can not delete an accession no.

Dr Pawan Agrawal
Already tried it, but failed.

On Mon, Jun 18, 2018, 12:30 sonukilskanna [via NGL] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Better to re-associate the accession number to valid title with the help of NGLDesktop application

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Dr. Pawan R. Agrawal
Assistant Librarian
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Government College
Govt. Arts, Commerce and Science College
Dokmardi- Silvassa
UT of Dadra and Nagar Haveli
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Re: Can not delete an accession no.

check the status of the accession number.

it may work when ever the status is availble
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Re: Can not delete an accession no.

Dr Pawan Agrawal
It is serial.

On Mon, Jun 18, 2018, 12:37 sonukilskanna [via NGL] <[hidden email]> wrote:
check the status of the accession number.

it may work when ever the status is availble

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Dr. Pawan R. Agrawal
Assistant Librarian
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Government College
Govt. Arts, Commerce and Science College
Dokmardi- Silvassa
UT of Dadra and Nagar Haveli
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Re: Can not delete an accession no.

Ok then i doesn't have any idea
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Re: Can not delete an accession no.

If the accession has any circulation transactions its very difficult to delete try below method

First, delete all the transactions made with that acc no in pgadminIII-->Newgenlib-->schemas-->public-->Tables-->cir_transaction and any other transactions table in that group

then try to delete
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Re: Can not delete an accession no.

Dr Pawan Agrawal
As the Periodical is a reference material, we dont have any transition on it.
Dr. Pawan R. Agrawal
Assistant Librarian
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Government College
Govt. Arts, Commerce and Science College
Dokmardi- Silvassa
UT of Dadra and Nagar Haveli
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Re: Can not delete an accession no.

hi use below method(i tried and got success) but have backup before doing this

1. Serials management-->Register Serials-->Issues of a Serials-->Select Serial-->search and get selected subscription details-->select the issue with wrong accession number(note volume, issue, year,month, date of receipt)-->delete
2. Technical processing-->search catalogue of journal-->update holdings-->select the issue-->select the accession number-->delete
3. then volume and issue in ENUMERATION AND CHRONOLOGY
4. Serials management-->Register Serials-->Issues of a Serials-->Select Serial-->search and get selected subscription details-->add insert the missing-->mark as issued

if u have any doubt whatsapp me +91 9880678301