Can't change a used accession number?

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Can't change a used accession number?

If for instance there was a book that was borrowed, and after it was returned, I wanted to change its accession number, is it really not allowed? Won't the circulation history be transferred to another accession number? Because I currently cannot change the accession number of the book. I keep on clicking OK but nothing happens and not even a pop up shows up on why I cannot change it.
Also, it seems I cannot delete it and just make a new one. It says transaction "might be done to these barcodes".
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Re: Can't change a used accession number?

Verus Open Source Support
With the currently nightly build 18Oct2011 you can force edit accession number/barcode. You can also edit used patron ids. We recommend to wait for the new update. The new update has now entered testing.

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From: "pedroparkero [via NewGenLib]" <[hidden email]>
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2011 22:02:33 -0700 (PDT)
To: Verus Open Source Support<[hidden email]>
Subject: Can't change a used accession number?

If for instance there was a book that was borrowed, and after it was returned, I wanted to change its accession number, is it really not allowed? Won't the circulation history be transferred to another accession number? Because I currently cannot change the accession number of the book. I keep on clicking OK but nothing happens and not even a pop up shows up on why I cannot change it.
Also, it seems I cannot delete it and just make a new one. It says transaction "might be done to these barcodes".
With great knowledge comes great responsibility.

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