Clicking on class number

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Clicking on class number

Hi all,

As you see below in the webopac holdings information we have the class number.

The class number there is clickable and the expected result is to retrieve items with the same class number.

I use (and I think a lot of users) the dewey number following by the three first letters e.g

510 MAN

When you click on this you don't get any result because the system doesn't "read" the three letters

see the url:

if you delete the last three letters from the url above you will get the results (every book classified on 510 dewey category.

So, I believe that clicking on the class number e.g. 510 MAN should bring results.

I believe that is better to bring all the 510 for example ignoring the three letters, because we may not have a lot of "510 MAN" books.

I am waiting your ideas.