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Critical error message

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Critical error message

Archana Sahu
 While accessing the librarian interface in client machine, in every module, such as search catalogue, cataloguing for new books it is giving the message "critical error". The software is working fine on the server. And while launching desktop application it is showing the message "database is not connecting properly, please check once". It was working properly but immediately it showed message like this and also gave problem in accessing in client both for librarian interface and desktop application, while the OPAC is working properly.
(OS- WINDOWS XP, ngl 2.1.2)
Kindly reply as early as possible.
Archana Sahu
Cuttack - 753 008
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Re: Critical error message

If the Librarian interface is working well in the server it should also work on the client as well.
1. On your server open C:/NewGenLibFiles/SystemFiles/Env_var.txt file. It will have a key value pair IPAddress=localhost. Replace localhost with the IP address of the server

2. Is there a firewall on the server? If yes, allow ports 8080 (for NGL) and 5432 (for postgresql)
Your anti-virus will have an in-built firewall or even windows has an in-built firewall.

3. In the clients, do you have jdk 1.5 or higher. If so remove them(let only j2sdk1.4.2) and launch the client again.

Pls check these and let us know
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Re: Critical error message

Please help me be sure if what I'm doing is right: what IP address should I put in the Env_var.txt file: the local IP Address of the server computer (i.e., 192.168.1.X) or the static IP internet Address of our network (ex., 125.X.X.X)?
This is so that our OPAC can be accessed over the Internet. Thanks.
With great knowledge comes great responsibility.
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Re: Critical error message

Verus Open Source Support
Always refer to local LAN IP
NOT the public static IP

On 11/26/2011 03:44 PM, pedroparkero [via NewGenLib] wrote:
Please help me be sure if what I'm doing is right: what IP address should I put in the Env_var.txt file: the local IP Address of the server computer (i.e., 192.168.1.X) or the static IP internet Address of our network (ex., 125.X.X.X)?
This is so that our OPAC can be accessed over the Internet. Thanks.
With great knowledge comes great responsibility.

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NewGenLib Open Source Support
Verus Solutions Private Limited
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Re: Critical error message

Oh, ok. Even though it seems running fine when I have used the static IP of our network, maybe this is why sometimes we get critical error messages. Thanks for the clarification.
With great knowledge comes great responsibility.