Department-Wise Titles

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Department-Wise Titles

harshavardhan Reddy
Dear Sir,
During my data entry i have not entered the field Department/budget field. How can I generate the reports of titles with respect to Departmet-Wise?  Is there any possilibility to modify the data according to Department-Wise.  If so pls help in this regard.

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Re: Department-Wise Titles

Verus Open Source Support
Dear Sir,
Please go to
NewGenLib Desktop -> Acquisitions -> Generate Accession register
In this report you can generate Department wise report
NewGenLib Open Source Team

On 04/13/2012 04:39 PM, Harshavardhan Reddy [via NewGenLib] wrote:
Dear Sir,
During my data entry i have not entered the field Department/budget field. How can I generate the reports of titles with respect to Departmet-Wise?  Is there any possilibility to modify the data according to Department-Wise.  If so pls help in this regard.


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