Download of Java

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Download of Java

Namaskar Team,
Found problem when I download Java 6.0/7 from the link provided on the installation document. There are several version available in that URL. Which one is Java 6 and which one to download for windows XP or 7 OS, I am confused . Is there any other link from where we can get the exact version of java?

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Re: Download of Java

Verus Open Source Support
Kindly go to this link

On 12/04/2013 10:06 AM, ashoksatapathy [via NewGenLib] wrote:
Namaskar Team,
Found problem when I download Java 6.0/7 from the link provided on the installation document. There are several version available in that URL. Which one is Java 6 and which one to download for windows XP or 7 OS, I am confused . Is there any other link from where we can get the exact version of java?


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