Erase contact info of patrons in backup copy?

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Erase contact info of patrons in backup copy?

Good day! Suppose I want to give our library's database backup to someone so that they can have a sample and test NGL using our bibliographical data, but of course since we protect privacy I don't want to give our patrons' contact info along with the backup. What is the best way to do it? Thanks in advance...
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Re: Erase contact info of patrons in backup copy?

Verus Open Source Support
In NewGenLib Desktop, there is functionality called Export data. This will export your Bibliographic data into MARC Communication format(A single file).

On 02/22/2012 07:47 AM, pedroparkero [via NewGenLib] wrote:
Good day! Suppose I want to give our library's database backup to someone so that they can have a sample and test NGL using our bibliographical data, but of course since we protect privacy I don't want to give our patrons' contact info along with the backup. What is the best way to do it? Thanks in advance...
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NewGenLib Open Source Support
Verus Solutions Private Limited
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Re: Erase contact info of patrons in backup copy?

I see. How can the other user import it into his installation of NGL?
With great knowledge comes great responsibility.
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Re: Erase contact info of patrons in backup copy?

Verus Open Source Support
I would like to understand the requirement(use case) in more detail.

On 02/22/2012 10:08 AM, pedroparkero [via NewGenLib] wrote:
I see. How can the other user import it into his installation of NGL?
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NewGenLib Open Source Support
Verus Solutions Private Limited
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Re: Erase contact info of patrons in backup copy?

Suppose another librarian needs to see NGL in action asap so I want to offer a copy of my backup containing our records (and if possible, also my settings) so he can play around with the data and do tasks so he can experience a fully realized library system without building records one by one himself. But I need to erase the patron contact information because that is sensitive data. Can I give a copy of my backup without that information?
You suggested that I export my bibliographic records into one MARC file. How can the other librarian use/import that to fill his NGL installation with my records?
With great knowledge comes great responsibility.