Father's Name with patron data

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Father's Name with patron data

Hemant Singh

we have to many patron with a name so to make clear identity their should be father's name field with main from and at the search window.
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Re: Father's Name with patron data

Verus Open Source Support
For the unique identity of the user we recommend to use the following combination
- Id
- Name
- Department (Computer Science)
- Course (Make the course as detailed as possible. Ex: BTech 3/4 Semester)

Also considering your issue we will give you a quick view so that on a double click you can see custom information (Father's name)

NewGenLib Open Source Team
On Friday 13 January 2012 11:21 AM, Hemant Singh [via NewGenLib] wrote:

we have to many patron with a name so to make clear identity their should be father's name field with main from and at the search window.

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