Twitter is a social networking site. Your account(Library account in
Twitter) can have followers. Here followers means your library users
(students and faculty).
1. Now whenever you send a message on Twitter (this is called
Tweeting) all your followers will get this message. This facility
you can use as your library bulletin service. Please note that any
tweet is received by all of your followers.
2. If you want to send any message directly to a particular follower
(and not to broadcast) then it called a "Direct Message". This you
can use to send messages like Check out slip, Check in slip and so
3. If your followers have configured their mobiles to their Twitter
account then they will receive SMS of all Tweets and Direct
Please also read more about Twitter on Wikipedia at
NewGenLib Open Source Team
On Friday 20 January 2012 02:43 PM, Hemant Singh [via NewGenLib]
I have Done all as per the
what to do next?
NewGenLib Open Source Support
Verus Solutions Private Limited