How can i transfer Data from old NGL Server system to new servser system

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How can i transfer Data from old NGL Server system to new servser system

How can i transfer all my Data from my old NGL Server system (computer) to new NGL Server system (computer).
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Re: How can i transfer Data from old NGL Server system to new servser system

Backup & restore
1. Open pgAdmin III from start menu
2. Double click on PostgreSQL database server 8.3 (enter password if ask)

3. Double Click on Databases
4. Right click and select backup on newgenlib
5. Select Plain Option, and select saving location of backup file(file name should be ended by .sql) and click OK
6. You will get Process returned exit code 0. Click on DONE to complete backing up the database
7. Copy the backup file to new server system to C drive

1. Open pgAdmin III from start menu
2. Double click on PostgreSQL database server 8.3

3. Right Click on Databases and select NEW DATABASE
4. Fill the details as NAME: newgenlib, OWNER:newgenlib, ENCODING: utf8, TABLESPACE:pg_default, then click ok
5. Database has been created and displayed the created database under database
6. Close the pgAdmin III
7. Place the backup file in C drive
8. Open command prompt type CMD and press enter
9. CD C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.3\bin (update it as per your installation folder)
10. psql -d newgenlib -U postgres
11. \i c:/backupfile.sql
 12. Restore success full
Start the nglserver and run indexer

if any doubts whatsapp me
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Re: How can i transfer Data from old NGL Server system to new servser system

Thanks Man, you are the Best.
But i cant find any of my Catalogue Records. Please Help
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Re: How can i transfer Data from old NGL Server system to new servser system

In reply to this post by manjucmr
Regarding your Whatsapp Number 9880678301  i need your country Code +.....9880678301
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Re: How can i transfer Data from old NGL Server system to new servser system

Did u run the indexer after restoring

my whatsapp no. +91 9880678301