How to delete or hide location ?

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How to delete or hide location ?

Saren (Cambodia)
Dear sir,

I want to delete or hide column Location on the library but I don't know how to do it.
Could you please tell me what is the file name to customize it? where is it located?

Please see the screenshot bellow

Best regards,
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Re: How to delete or hide location ?

Verus Open Source Support
File name: View.ftl
Location: C:/NewGenLibFiles/OpacTemplates/default

Comment line 63:
                           <!-- <th>${LocalMessages.Location}</th>-->

Comment line 83:
<td><#if oneItem.SubLocation !="">${oneItem.SubLocation} -> </#if>${oneItem.Location}<#if oneItem.CurrentSubLocation !="">(${LocalMessages.CurrentlyPresentIn} ${oneItem.CurrentSubLocation})</#if><br/><#if oneItem.LocationCoordinates!=""><a href="opac.displayLocationImage?ownlibid=${OwnLibId}&coordinates=${oneItem.LocationCoordinates}" target="_blank"><img src="/resources/images/mapMarker.png" height="20" title="View Map"/></a></#if></td>


<!--<td><#if oneItem.SubLocation !="">${oneItem.SubLocation} -> </#if>${oneItem.Location}<#if oneItem.CurrentSubLocation !="">(${LocalMessages.CurrentlyPresentIn} ${oneItem.CurrentSubLocation})</#if><br/><#if oneItem.LocationCoordinates!=""><a href="opac.displayLocationImage?ownlibid=${OwnLibId}&coordinates=${oneItem.LocationCoordinates}" target="_blank"><img src="/resources/images/mapMarker.png" height="20" title="View Map"/></a></#if></td>-->

On 10/30/2013 07:39 AM, Saren (Cambodia) [via NewGenLib] wrote:
Dear sir,

I want to delete or hide column Location on the library but I don't know how to do it.
Could you please tell me what is the file name to customize it? where is it located?

Please see the screenshot bellow

Best regards,

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