Importing MARC tagged record

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Importing MARC tagged record

It seems I can't make it work. I highlight the record and then click "Import selected record" but nothing happens:
The view before I click and nothing happens

So what are the requirements for a MARC Display to be successfully imported in the module? Example/s of an OPAC with a MARC Display that is allowed will be much appreciated...
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Re: Importing MARC tagged record

1. I hope you are using Firefox or Google Chrome and NOT IE
2. And while pasting the record, the import format selected is "MARC Tagged Format"
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Re: Importing MARC tagged record

Yes, I am using Firefox & Chrome, as I've uninstalled IE in our workstations. And I have selected "MARC Tagged format" before pasting, which resulted in the previous picture. But like I said, after clicking import, I go back to my record being created/modified with nothing happening.
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Re: Importing MARC tagged record

As mentioned in the KB site that the MARC Tagged format is still in Beta stage. However we would like to examine the record you are importing. Can you send the details of the record (OPAC Link and record)?
NewGenLib Open Source Team
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Re: Importing MARC tagged record

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Re: Importing MARC tagged record

Verus Open Source Support
Thank you for providing these examples. The "Import from MARC Tagged format" functionality in NGL is still in its beta stage. As a beginning we first started with MARC tagged formats available on VuFind OPAC. For example try the National Library of Australia OPAC or any Vufind OPAC.
However in the future updates this functionality will be made more intelligent to meet the mentioned requirement

On 03/17/2012 01:12 PM, pedroparkero [via NewGenLib] wrote:
Hi! I haven't yet encountered an OPAC with MARC-tagged display that can be imported to NGL. Here are links to  a few examples:
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Re: Importing MARC tagged record

I see. Thanks for the tip...
With great knowledge comes great responsibility.