Installation Problems

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Installation Problems

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Respected sir
  which you are given the latest version of NEWGENLIB software is not installed properly,

I Download the software from NGL3 .

the file size is 245 mb after zip
this folder shows 39 items

I follow everything which you are given the installation process
1 installing java
2 installing POSTGRESQL
3 paste the ngl303 folder ( which the software is )  in home directory ( ie in C:/)
ichecked every trhing in
C:/InstallNGL303/apache-ant-1.8.1/bin directory.
In this  file config.ini.
every thing is fine

and then press install.bat, it opens a window and immediately stopped


immediately i tried
same process i used before version 3.03, ( I've downloaded before ) and successfully installed

the file size is 188 mb after zip
this folder contains 35 items

Sir what is the problem on the software side