Installing new version of NGL with Old Data

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Installing new version of NGL with Old Data

MyBooks Library

I recently had a issue with my hard disk due to which the technician replaced it with a new one. All the data is in the old hard disk. Not being a tech savy person, i need some help from someone who can install the latest version of NGL and reattach my old data back.

Any Help will be Highly appreciated.

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Re: Installing new version of NGL with Old Data

MyBooks Library
Dear All,

Thanks to All those who spared their Valuable time to resolve my NGL software issue. As the problem is not resolved, i am moving back to using Excel Sheet for my Library Records.

Thanks & Regards

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Re: Installing new version of NGL with Old Data

Hemant Singh
have you old ngl data backup?
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Re: Installing new version of NGL with Old Data

What if I didn't backed up the old ngl? is there any way to retrieve my data?
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Re: Installing new version of NGL with Old Data

if possible send me the postgresql directory