Need password

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Need password

Murali N
after upgrading from 3.04 to 3.1 now unable to open client getting invalid user

kindly provide the password but i am able to see the password in database but it is encrypted

kindly help in this
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Re: Need password

You have to reset your password

Reset Password
1. Open PgAdmin 3 from Start -> Programs -> Postgresql
2. Select newgenlib database on the left and click on "SQL Editor". This will open a SQL Window
3. Copy+Paste the below query
update patron set user_password=md5('abc') where patron_id='1';

4. Now press F5 (Or green arrow button) in SQL Window Editor
5. You will get a message. "Query successful and 1 row updated"

6. Now try to login into NGL application uising id is 1 pw is abc