Postgresql database

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Postgresql database

Tom Connolly
I'm already running a later version of Postgresql (9.3); my system, ubuntu, provides the server.
So may I skip the 8.1 server setup in your installation instructions?

I'm getting an error when trying to install NGL3: line 1: apache-ant-1.8.1/bin/ant: No such file or directory.

Does my first question, re Postgres, have anything to do with the error on install? If no, how do I address the error in the file?

Thank you.
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Re: Postgresql database

Verus Open Source Support
Respected Patron,
Greetings from NGL Open Source

You may skip installation of Postgresql 8.1 as NGL supports 9.3.

Kindly check the config.ini file present in InstallNGL3.0/apache-ant-1.8.1/bin directory
This file needs to edited according your local system parameters

Looking forward to serve you.

NGL Open Source Support Team,
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On Thursday 10 July 2014 08:30 PM, Tom Connolly [via NGL] wrote:
I'm already running a later version of Postgresql (9.3); my system, ubuntu, provides the server.
So may I skip the 8.1 server setup in your installation instructions?

I'm getting an error when trying to install NGL3: line 1: apache-ant-1.8.1/bin/ant: No such file or directory.

Does my first question, re Postgres, have anything to do with the error on install? If no, how do I address the error in the file?

Thank you.

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