Problem in OPAC

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Problem in OPAC

Dear NGL team,
We have upgraded the data from 2.1 to 3.03U2. When we search the word 'network' in OPAC, it retrieved 68 title. in the second page, i.e, title 26 to 50, there is a problem in the results shown.
But when I click on the above title, it shows the title properly.


This title was in 2.1 version. I thought, it could be a problem in cataloguing. I thus modified the catalogue as follows


If you kindly see the catalogue data and the OPAC result, ther is also a difference. In opac, it does not show also the subject.
pl. help to resolve the problem
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Re: Problem in OPAC

Verus Open Source Support
1. Go to librarian interface's search catalogue.
2. Search for the same term
3. You may find a few catalogue records with blank title. If there are so many such records your database will need some curing. Its is a simple process and we will do it for you

In the mean while please let me know the number of blank records you found

On Dec 20, 2011 12:31 PM, rsgiri [via NewGenLib] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Dear NGL team,
We have upgrade the data from 2.1 to 3.03U2. When we search the word network, it retrieved 68 title. in the second page, i.e, title 26 to 50, theer is a problem in the results shown. But when I click on the above tile, it shows the title properly.. This title has was in 2.1 version. I though, it could be a problem in cataloguing. I thus modified the catalogue as follws

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Verus Solutions Private Limited
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Re: Problem in OPAC

In the particular search term only the next record was blank, but the accession no. has been existed. When I modified the catalogue, it is then O.K. I think that the book had a problem because, there is no main author of this book. We entered the editor as an added entry in the earlier version(i.e, 2.1). .
Thanks for the help and regards