In Windows
1. Please open postgresql.conf (Start-> Programs-> Postgresql8.0 -> postgresql.conf). This file will open with notepad
a. Search for listen_addresses. In this line, Remove hash at the beginning of the line and also relpace localhost with * (Keep single quote intact)
b. Searcj for port, In this line, remove hash at the beginning of this line (should not be there by default)
Save the file
2. open pg_hba.conf (Start-> Programs-> Postgresql8.0 -> pg_hba.conf). This file will open with notepad
At the bottom of the file you will find a section
#IP4 Local connection. Under this you may find a line like this
host all all md5
now instead of put
and instead of md5 put trust
So your line should look like
host all all trust
Save the file
3. Stop postgresql service and start it again
4. Stop NGL server and start again
Now your desktop will work
NewGenLib Open Source Support
Verus Solutions Private Limited