Re: Suggestion regarding configure a Biomeric Machine

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Re: Suggestion regarding configure a Biomeric Machine

Verus Open Source Support
Dear Sir,
Your Bio-metric vendor will provide you an option to print the user id wherever the cursor is blinking(Logic similar to barcode scanner). If this option is enabled by the vendor; you can use Biometric option at the time of Check out.
This procedure holds good for smart cards also
NewGenLib Open Source Team
On 01/20/2012 12:49 PM, Hemant Singh [via NewGenLib] wrote:
Sir ,

a Suggestion to  next upgrade that a bio-metric machine can be configure with NGL to input Patron id so there will be no use of ID card and will not be required to take sign by the patron on book card.

also  provide list of bio-metric machine can be attached .

it just a suggestion

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