Restoring backup in NewGenLib303

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Restoring backup in NewGenLib303

Dear Siddhartha,


Installed latest version of NewGenLib (NGL303) application with Postgresql (version 8.3) based on the instructions provided at Both OPAC and Application Interface are accessible. However, was unsuccessful in restoring old backup with command \i C:\InstallNGL303\DBbackup\backupinplain.sql. It says, "Permission denied".

Prior, I had also tried to restore using PGAdmin III interface, but after selecting the respective backup file, the proceeding "Ok" tab was not functional.

Appreciate if you could guide me to resolve this.

Sandesh S.
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Re: Restoring backup in NewGenLib303

Verus Open Source Support
Step 2: Open your Command Prompt (Start->Run->Type command cmd-> Press Enter)
1. Type the following commands one after one
cd \
cd "Program Files"
cd Postgresql
cd 8.3
cd bin
psql -d newgenlib -U postgres

The last command will prompt you to enter password. Enter newgenlib as password. This will connect you to newgenlib database using psql tool. Now type the following commands

\i C:/backupfile.sql
Note: copy the backup file in C drive and rename with "backupfile.sql"

Now Refresh your OPAC. I also hope you have run Indexer

NewGenLib Open Source Support Team
NewGenLib Open Source Support
Verus Solutions Private Limited
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Re: Restoring backup in NewGenLib303

Dear Team,

I followed your instructions. Am able to connect and executed the command “psql -d newgenlib -U postgres” and then with password “newgenlib”. Perhaps still getting the below error.

After running the command \i C:\backupfile.sql
it says "Permission denied"

How to resolve this? Appreciate if you could guide me to the root of this error.

Sandesh S.

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Re: Restoring backup in NewGenLib303

Verus Open Source Support
Send the screen shot of the error message.
NewGenLib Open Source Support
Verus Solutions Private Limited
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Re: Restoring backup in NewGenLib303

Dr Pawan Agrawal
In reply to this post by Sandesh
I think you need to run Command prompt as admin.
Dr. Pawan R. Agrawal
Assistant Librarian
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Government College
Govt. Arts, Commerce and Science College
Dokmardi- Silvassa
UT of Dadra and Nagar Haveli
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Re: Restoring backup in NewGenLib303

In reply to this post by Verus Open Source Support

I have successfully restored the backup. Perhaps, error popped up while adding digital attachments to the bibliographic.

Inserting screenshot for your perusal.

Kindly advise.

Sandesh S.