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Thank you for using NGL

Verus Open Source Support
Respected Patron,
Greetings from NGL Open Source

We are checking this issue locally.

Looking forward to serve you.

NGL Open Source Support Team,
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On Tuesday 12 August 2014 06:36 AM, NARONG CHIN [via NGL] wrote:
Dear Support,

The reason I am raising this issue is after click on save and get review data in field Classification number.
So, could you please let me know how to solve this matter?

eg: Librarian insert: PS 3552 BOC 2004 into Classification Number. After save and review we can see only Classification number: PS 3552.

For more issue details, please find attached files.
NOTE: when getting export report we can see the lost data.

It highly appreciated for your consider this matter as high priority issue.

Best Regards,

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NewGenLib Open Source Support
Verus Solutions Private Limited