Thum Impression

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Thum Impression

sir i want to use thumb impression. (if it is possible)

 how i can do that and what is the procedure, Please tell me details step step ..

thanking you sir
Aratatran Mahapatra
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Re: Thum Impression

Verus Open Source Support
Respected Patron,
Greetings from NGL Open Source

Biometric machines can emulate Keyboard in the same way as how barcode scanners do.

Make sure to add


parameters to present in C:/NGLCounterFiles
So that as soon as the student put a finger on the finger scanner, he/she are registered. Thus avoiding any further clicks

Looking forward to serve you.

NGL Open Source Support Team,
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Verus Solutions, India.
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On Wednesday 13 August 2014 07:32 PM, ATM [via NGL] wrote:
sir i want to use thumb impression. (if it is possible)

 how i can do that and what is the procedure, Please tell me details step step ..

thanking you sir
Aratatran Mahapatra

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Verus Solutions Private Limited