Unable to lunch application

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Unable to lunch application

Jagdish Prasad
Dear Sir,

I am using newgenlib software properly bt last day i was closed newgenlib server properly and  today i cant login. the massage show me application Error unable to launch the application. kindly help us.

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Re: Unable to lunch application

Verus Open Source Support
Did you upgrade the system before closing NGL? or even after that?
Kindly send your contact details to support<attherate>verussolutions.biz
we will help you to resolve the issue

On 10/18/2013 12:30 PM, Jagdish Prasad [via NewGenLib] wrote:
Dear Sir,

I am using newgenlib software properly bt last day i was closed newgenlib server properly and  today i cant login. the massage show me application Error unable to launch the application. kindly help us.


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