Username and password login!

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Username and password login!

I have accessed to application, but I don't know about username and password to login to system.Please to help me. Thanks a lot...
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Re: Username and password login!

Verus Open Source Support
By default the user id is 1
Password is abc
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On Wednesday 22 September 2010 02:21 PM, DinhLang [via NewGenLib] wrote:
I have accessed to application, but I don't know about username and password to login to system.Please to help me. Thanks a lot...

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NewGenLib Open Source Support
Verus Solutions Private Limited
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Re: Username and password login!


  On my installation, the default credentials (1/abc) fails. On postgre command center, I looked into one sysusers (or so) table and there were no records there. Inserting a record there didn't look like an easy task. What should I do here
        1. Error in installation, try again?
        2. Try another user ID?
        3. Look at another table?
        4. Insert  a record manually?

Thanks in Advance    
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Re: Username and password login!

It is error in database restoration. Please do it again. Commands related to run backupinplain.sql
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Re: Username and password login!

I am encountering the same problem. I have tried dropping the database and reinstalling everything, but have had no success. Could you please send me a script that will add the sysuser so I can log in to the system from the desktop client. Thank you.
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Re: Username and password login!

Verus Open Source Support
Is this a first time installation? If yes, then it means that all  the database scripts did not run properly. Also I hope you are using NewGenLib 3.0.3 U3
Please send your Time zone so that we can schedule a time to resolve your issue

On Friday 17 February 2012 06:23 AM, cbush06 [via NewGenLib] wrote:
I am encountering the same problem. I have tried dropping the database and reinstalling everything, but have had no success. Could you please send me a script that will add the sysuser so I can log in to the system from the desktop client. Thank you.

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NewGenLib Open Source Support
Verus Solutions Private Limited
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Re: Username and password login!

It is my first installation. I installed version 3.0.3 U3. I read through all of the SQL scripts that came with it and could not find an INSERT statement for a system user.

I am not sure if this could be the source of the problem. I have tried everything including uninstalling and reinstalling everything. Please advise.

Also, I work a regular job and cannot be available to chat until 5PM Eastern Time, US.

Thank you,

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Re: Username and password login!

Verus Open Source Support
Firstly please check the below:
1. Start->Programs->Postgresql8.X->Pgadmin3. Also connect to the localhost database server.
2. Open Databases->newgenlib->Schemas->public->Tables->patron->Columns

There must be a column called twitter_id. If this is not there then
Go to InstallNGL3.0/upgrade303 directory. In this you will find a file named V303AddedScripts.sql. This must be executed against the newgenlib database. To do that
1. Go to Command prompt
2. In command prompt go to the directory C:/Program Files/Postgresql/8.X/bin directory. Type this command
psql -d newgenlib -U postgres
You may be prompted for the password. It is newgenlib. Then type this command
\i C:/InstallNGL3.0/upgrade303/V303AddedScripts.sql

Now login. This must work

On 02/22/2012 04:14 AM, cbush06 [via NewGenLib] wrote:
It is my first installation. I installed version 3.0.3 U3. I read through all of the SQL scripts that came with it and could not find an INSERT statement for a system user.

I am not sure if this could be the source of the problem. I have tried everything including uninstalling and reinstalling everything. Please advise.

Also, I work a regular job and cannot be available to chat until 5PM Eastern Time, US.

Thank you,


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Verus Solutions Private Limited