Respected Patron,
Greetings from NGL Open Source
Check the below
1. In C:/NewGenLibFiles/SystemFiles/ENV_VAR.txt kindly check the
BOOK_COVERS parameter.
2. Does the system running NGL Server has Internet connectivity?
3. If the system has Internet connectivity then is there a proxy
server through which Internet access is there?
Looking forward to serve you.
NGL Open Source Support Team,
(Service Before Self)
Verus Solutions, India.
Telephone: +91 741 678 3719,+91 741 678 2119, +91 402 771 9161,+91
402 771 9162
Yahoo Messenger:
[hidden email]
Google Talk:
[hidden email]
Skype Id for voice chat: newgenlib.oss
On Tuesday 25 November 2014 10:57 AM,
ravinderreddyn [via NGL] wrote:
Dear Sir,
Good morning
How can I saw book image on OPAC window, where is the place to
paste the image/ Cover Page
NewGenLib Open Source Support
Verus Solutions Private Limited