What are the things to do to maintain NewGenLib?

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What are the things to do to maintain NewGenLib?


How can I maintain the system?
please help.
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Re: What are the things to do to maintain NewGenLib?

Verus Open Source Support
Can you be more specific?
If you mentioning about database maintenance, please run vacuum full analyze command on your postgresql database.
1. In pgadmin3, select newgenlib database and click on SQL button (Pencil icon)
2. In the sql editor type vacuum full analyze and press F5(to execute the command)
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On Thursday 19 August 2010 12:04 PM, jelaminowa [via NewGenLib] wrote:

How can I maintain the system?
please help.

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NewGenLib Open Source Support
Verus Solutions Private Limited
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Re: What are the things to do to maintain NewGenLib?

Ashok Kumar Satapathy
In reply to this post by jelaminowa
I have read that suggestion. I fell to understand, for what purpose we do this?

I mean to say what is the benefit related to maintenance?

Plz. guide me.
