What is famous thing in SAP fico?

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What is famous thing in SAP fico?

SAP FICO stands for SAP Fund and Controlling. It's one of the most pivotal modules in SAP ERP and is utilized to oversee and screen all money related bookkeeping and controlling exercises inside an organization.

Finance (FI):General Record Bookkeeping (FI-GL): It handles all the company's monetary bookkeeping information. This incorporates recording, overhauling, and overseeing all monetary transactions

.Accounts Payable (FI-AP): It oversees all merchant exchanges, counting solicitations, installments, and credit memos.

Accounts Receivable (FI-AR): It oversees all client exchanges, counting solicitations, installments, and credit memos

.Asset Bookkeeping (FI-AA): It oversees the organization's settled resources, counting securing, devaluation, and disposal

.Bank Bookkeeping (FI-BL): It oversees all bank exchanges, counting bank explanations, bank compromises, and electronic bank communications.

Travel Administration (FI-TV): It handles travel costs and reimbursements for employees.

Controlling (CO):Cost Component Bookkeeping (CO-CEL): It tracks all the costs and incomes related with generation or benefit processes.

Cost Center Bookkeeping (CO-CCA): It allots costs to taken a toll centers and tracks the costs related with particular regions of duty inside the organization.

Internal Orders (CO-IO): It tracks the costs and incomes related with particular ventures, occasions, or inner exercises

Know more SAP FICO Course in Pune