book bank

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book bank


how can i separate book as book bank  and how can i set circulation privileges for the same.

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Re: book bank

Verus Open Source Support
Step 1: Create a new Physical/Presentation form called "Book Bank" in Administration->Configure System->Physical/Presentation forms.

Step 2: Go to Administration->Configure System->Circulation Privilege Matrix and define privileges between newly created book bank and students patron category

Step 3: Modify accession number's physical/presentation form to Book Bank. Do this to all accession numbers that belong to book bank. If you have too many of them send us the list of accession numbers that belong to the book bank. We will give you simple tool that change them in a single click

NewGenLib Open Source Team

On 03/03/2012 11:41 AM, Hemant [via NewGenLib] wrote:

how can i separate book as book bank  and how can i set circulation privileges for the same.


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NewGenLib Open Source Support
Verus Solutions Private Limited
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Re: book bank

Hi, please integrate batch tools where we can change sublocation, shelving location and physical/representation form of many books with upload of list of materials to change and a single click. Thank you.
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Re: book bank

Verus Open Source Support
Yes. We will do that. We will try to give the beta version of the tool in the coming update.

On 03/10/2012 01:50 PM, pedroparkero [via NewGenLib] wrote:
Hi, please integrate batch tools where we can change sublocation, shelving location and physical/representation form of many books with upload of list of materials to change and a single click. Thank you.
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NewGenLib Open Source Support
Verus Solutions Private Limited
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Re: book bank

Thank you. But in the meantime, we have decided to merge three shelving locations into one. Can we apply a query to change a certain location to another location so we can delete the former locations?
With great knowledge comes great responsibility.
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Re: book bank

Verus Open Source Support
Hi, Can you please give the names of 3 shelving locations going to be merged
And also the Shelving location that the 3 are being merger into?
A query will be built accordingly

On 04/13/2012 10:46 AM, pedroparkero [via NewGenLib] wrote:
Thank you. But in the meantime, we have decided to merge three shelving locations into one. Can we apply a query to change a certain location to another location so we can delete the former locations?
With great knowledge comes great responsibility.

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NewGenLib Open Source Support
Verus Solutions Private Limited
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Re: book bank

The three are:
1. Special section - Economics & Business
2. Special section - Information Technology
3. Reference

The books from 1 & 2 will be merged with 3, Reference.
With great knowledge comes great responsibility.