can i delete newgenlib database

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can i delete newgenlib database

Respected sir

     I installed  latest version 1st time  , now i restore my plain back up in the database,
i know how to restore,
 but my question is
when i open postgres
                  In postgres i saw database name newgenlib under this i saw tables (342)
now the qustion is
                       can i delete the database or only tables, for create new database
is it necessary or directly i restore my database in that old one, if i can, is there any data on that

sir once i checked
    when i deleted the database newgenlib , and start my ngl it is not opened and i got error

please clarify my doubt
thanking u sir
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Re: can i delete newgenlib database

Verus Open Source Support
Respected Patron,
Greetings from NGL Open Source

Step 1: Select the newgenlib database that you are able to see in pgadmin3. Right click and click on properties. You can change the database name. Change it to newgenlibold

Step 2: Create a new database now called newgenlib. Now this will be an empty schema with zero tables. Into this database restore the backup that you have

This must solve your problem

Looking forward to serve you.

NGL Open Source Support Team,
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Verus Solutions, India.
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On Thursday 08 January 2015 02:13 PM, ravinderreddyn [via NGL] wrote:
Respected sir

     I installed  latest version 1st time  , now i restore my plain back up in the database,
i know how to restore,
 but my question is
when i open postgres
                  In postgres i saw database name newgenlib under this i saw tables (342)
now the qustion is
                       can i delete the database or only tables, for create new database
is it necessary or directly i restore my database in that old one, if i can, is there any data on that

sir once i checked
    when i deleted the database newgenlib , and start my ngl it is not opened and i got error

please clarify my doubt
thanking u sir

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