file to be edit for SMS Service

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file to be edit for SMS Service

Hemant Singh
Sir, I got Subscription ID & Password now which file to be edit for Start SMS Service.?
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Re: file to be edit for SMS Service

Verus Open Source Support
1. Open C:/NewGenLibFiles/SystemFiles/ENV_VAR.txt, check if MOBILE_ALERTS is set as YES.(You must see a line MOBILE_ALERTS=YES, if NO is there change it to YES)
2. Mobile number of the patron must be stored in Phone II (Administration->Configure System->Patron->New)
3. Also mobile number must not be part of DND registry
4. Currently the service is available in India only

On 12/16/2011 12:42 PM, Hemant Singh [via NewGenLib] wrote:
Sir, I got Subscription ID & Password now which file to be edit for Start SMS Service.?

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NewGenLib Open Source Support
Verus Solutions Private Limited
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Re: file to be edit for SMS Service

1. Open C:/NewGenLibFiles/SystemFiles/ENV_VAR.txt, check if MOBILE_ALERTS is set as YES.(You must see a line MOBILE_ALERTS=YES, if NO is there change it to YES)
2. Mobile number of the patron must be stored in Phone II (Administration->Configure System->Patron->New)
3. Also mobile number must not be part of DND registry
4. Currently the service is available in India only
I adapt Same procedure but no send sms in mobile.
Govind Basedia

From: Verus Open Source Support [via NewGenLib] <[hidden email]>
To: basediag <[hidden email]>
Sent: Friday, 16 December 2011 2:11 AM
Subject: Re: file to be edit for SMS Service

1. Open C:/NewGenLibFiles/SystemFiles/ENV_VAR.txt, check if MOBILE_ALERTS is set as YES.(You must see a line MOBILE_ALERTS=YES, if NO is there change it to YES)
2. Mobile number of the patron must be stored in Phone II (Administration->Configure System->Patron->New)
3. Also mobile number must not be part of DND registry
4. Currently the service is available in India only

On 12/16/2011 12:42 PM, Hemant Singh [via NewGenLib] wrote:
Sir, I got Subscription ID & Password now which file to be edit for Start SMS Service.?

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NewGenLib Open Source Support
Verus Solutions

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