how to insert rupee symbol in catalogue worksheet

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how to insert rupee symbol in catalogue worksheet

dear sir,

how to insert or type rupee symbol in catalogue worksheet. when i use this command AltGr+4 or Ctrl+Alt+4 it will show small box type icon.
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Re: how to insert rupee symbol in catalogue worksheet

Verus Open Source Support
Respected Patron,
Greetings from NGL Open Source

Kindly let is know if the new Rupee symbol a part of the standard Unicode. If it is not yet part of Standard Unicode Character set, then we recommend not to use it right now

Looking forward to serve you.

NGL Open Source Support Team,
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On Thursday 30 October 2014 03:04 PM, raghavanbk [via NGL] wrote:
dear sir,

how to insert or type rupee symbol in catalogue worksheet. when i use this command AltGr+4 or Ctrl+Alt+4 it will show small box type icon.

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