Dear Friend,
I have gone through the instructions. I could find only Java SE 8u31 and Java Se7u75/76 only not Java Jdk 6.0/7
Where I can get Java Jdk 6.0/7
Do the needful.
Thank you
On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 10:00 AM, Verus Open Source Support [via NGL] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Respected Patron,
Greetings from NGL Open Source
1. We have restored your compressed data
2. We took a backup of it in Plain SQL and With "insert statements"
3. We emailed you back that sql file. Since we sent you a zip file; extract it. You will now get a sql file called vikas.sql. Now see the below instructions carefully
Instructions to do a fresh installation with your existing backup file(vikas.sql)
1: See the download instructions in
2: You need to be very careful in the section "Installing NGL" -> Step 3
In C:/InstallNGL3.1 directory you will find a directory called DBBackup; place vikas.sql in it
Also this parameter must be there
3. Rest of the instructions must be followed as it is
Looking forward to serve you.
NGL Open Source Support Team,
(Service Before Self)
Verus Solutions, India.
Telephone: +91 741 678 3719,+91 741 678 2119, +91 402 771 9161,+91 402 771 9162
Yahoo Messenger: [hidden email]
Google Talk: [hidden email]
Skype Id for voice chat: newgenlib.oss
On Thursday 19 February 2015 01:03 PM, ramesh, g. [via NGL] wrote:
Dear Friend,
It is in compressed format having 1.85MB data.
On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 12:54 PM, Verus Open Source Support [via NGL] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Respected Patron,
Greetings from NGL Open Source
Can you confirm if you have a plain backup or compressed backup of the database?
Looking forward to serve you.
NGL Open Source Support Team,
(Service Before Self)
Verus Solutions, India.
Telephone: +91 741 678 3719,+91 741 678 2119, +91 402 771 9161,+91 402 771 9162
Yahoo Messenger: [hidden email]
Google Talk: [hidden email]
Skype Id for voice chat: newgenlib.oss
On Thursday 19 February 2015 12:50 PM, ramesh, g. [via NGL] wrote:
Dear Friend,
My backup file is in 3.0.1 version. I do not have ngl software/program files like sql, ngl 3.0, etc. Do the needful.
On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 12:37 PM, Verus Open Source Support [via NGL] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Respected Patron,
Greetings from NGL Open Source
Are you looking for a upgrade or a new installation?
If its an upgrade then which version of NGL are you usuing?
Looking forward to serve you.
NGL Open Source Support Team,
(Service Before Self)
Verus Solutions, India.
Telephone: +91 741 678 3719,+91 741 678 2119, +91 402 771 9161,+91 402 771 9162
Yahoo Messenger: [hidden email]
Google Talk: [hidden email]
Skype Id for voice chat: newgenlib.oss
On Thursday 19 February 2015 11:13 AM, RAMESH, G. [via NGL] wrote:
Dear Friends,
I would like to install NGL software latest version in my system. Let me guide please.
Vikas College of Engg. & Tech., A.P.
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